
Now Serving The Greater Kansas City Area

Locations in Manhattan, Topeka & Kansas City

We Work To Match Your Budget With Your Vision

It’s Your Budget. It’s Your Vision.We Work To Make Them AlignWhen you’re ready to begin an exterior home

We Work To Match Your Budget With Your Vision

It’s Your Budget. It’s Your Vision.

We Work To Make Them Align

When you’re ready to begin an exterior home remodeling project on your home, you likely take many things into account.

One is your budget, which is, of course, important. Another is your vision for what you want your remodel to look like, which can be just as important.

But how do you balance the two?

You hire an exterior home remodeling contractor like Midland Exteriors who works to bring your wants and needs together.

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We Offer Multiple Options Upfront

We walk into homes all the time where homeowners know exactly what they want. They have everything already planned and out, both financially and in terms of product, material, and style choices. They just want us to hop to it and get their remodel started.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re all for it.

But there are also many homes that we walk into where the homeowner doesn’t know exactly what they want. They haven’t done much research and don’t know exactly how much everything costs.

And that’s fine, too.

But every homeowner knows what they like. They have a vision of what would make them happy. And while they don’t know all the puzzle pieces needed to get there, they have us to help them fill in the blanks.

A Detailed Consultation Based On YOUR Needs

When we meet with you for a consultation, we are there to take your vision and make it your reality.

But we understand you also likely have a budget.

So, when we meet with you, we’ll have multiple options for you. Some are closer to the high end of the price range, and some are more budget-friendly.

You get to choose.

For example, it will be expensive if you’re planning a window replacement and want all casement windows. Casement windows are on the higher end of the price range. However, if you want to save money and still achieve a similar look, you could choose glider windows instead.

You’ll have the options at your fingertips, and we can assist you with matching your budget with your wants and needs.

The Price Only Changes If You Change It

It’s important to know that we don’t play shady games with our clients. We’re an exterior home remodeling contractor who believes in operating with integrity.

So, we treat you right from start to finish.

Once we sign a contract and it goes to production, the price won’t change unless you change something. If you add something to the project, then yes, it will change the price. But it won’t happen from our end.

We don’t use tricks or mind games like telling you it’s going to be a $10,000 project and then showing up later asking for $15,000.

It’s not right.

We know it happens.

But it WON’T happen with Midland Exteriors.

If We Know It WON’T Work, We WON’T Do It

Lastly, there are situations where budget isn’t an issue, but something else is.

There are homeowners who sometimes just want very specific things – things that we know won’t work. We’ve been in the exterior home remodeling industry for a long time and have a lot of experience.

We won’t put our name on something that we expect to fail.

We will try to talk a homeowner out of something they may want if we know it won’t work, but in the end, it’s their home.

We’ll give them references to other companies that might do something that has a high expectation of failure, but we won’t do it. Sometimes, the right thing to do is to say no.

At Midland Exteriors, we always consider your best interests. Our community trusts us because we’re a results-first, profits-second contractor.

So, if you need a reliable exterior home remodeling contractor in Kansas who will work to align your needs, wants, and budget, contact Midland Exteriors to schedule an appointment.

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Ready To Learn More About Us? Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

As a family-owned and operated company for more than 15 years, Midland Exteriors is here to change how remodeling services are done—setting the bar for all those unqualified and unprofessional providers. If you’re ready to love the home you live in, get in touch with our expert remodelers today!

Our Kansas Locations

Kansas City Location
(913) 382-2031

19915 W 161st Street, Suite B Olathe, KS 66062

Manhattan Location
(785) 336-5887

8226 South Port Drive Manhattan, KS 66502

Topeka Location
(785) 336-5885

4121 SW Twlight Dr Topeka KS 66614